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Hi Guys, loads here... sorry, may take you a while to read it all .... I have been doing it in dribs and drabs and when I apologised to Hannah that everything was so late she very kindly said she understood that my life was hectic !!!



Taunton 10k

I know you will all have already scanned the results carefully, but these are a round-up of us all!  It was a fantastic day, you could have almost thrown a blanket over the first three of Oliver Fox, Phil and Luke, all training partners!  Plenty of PBs out there guys... see all that hard work really does pay off!!!


2nd Phil Burden 31m 51s / 3rd Luke Scott 31m 55s / 5th and first Junior Ben Tull 35.37s / 9th Ethan O'Brien 36m39s, first ever 10k! / Martin Bluemel 40m07s (2nd MV55) / Simon Patterson 40m 20s / Alan Bolon 49m 40s / 1st lady Hannah Taunton 38m 26s / 2nd lady Kim Hill 38m 44s (1st V35) / Rhiannon Dunlop 45m36s first ever 10k! / Jackie Batten 49m40s / Lesley Westgate 50m 24s / Sharon Tull 57m14s / Emily Taylor 57m 32s


Cardiff Half 

James 1hr 13m 11s (Nice pic James)

Hannah 1hr 25.14


New Forest Half Ironman

Mark Deakin 6hrs 39mins


Wales Full Ironman

Mark Jones .... I expect you all saw the lovely pic and report on this in your local Gutsache!


Brooks Westward league XC

Phil Burden 2nd 29.01 Nick Daniels 36.03


Exmoor stumble

Ben Tull 1st overall 45.43

Nick Daniels  4th overall, 1st vet

Danny Doyle  9th overall 53.31


Eden Project Half marathon

Lesley 2hrs 2m


Exeter Half

Martin Bluemel 1hr 30m 15s


Club Presentation Night 21st November

Guess you have all had the email invite from the club.  If OK with Mike I think we will do ours again at the Christmas meal, although I will stand up and read out the winners and categories at the club night as I believe a few of us are going to that as well..... it's lovely seeing what the youngsters have achieved.


Christmas Meal

Friday 27th November at The Crown at Rumwell

Choices and money please by Tuesday 17th November


London Marathon Place

Once again the goalposts have been moved by VLM and we only have one place this year (we would need over 100 over 18s to get another place).  Please let me know if anyone would like to be considered for a place to go in the hat drawn at Christmas meal.  Criteria is that you have been an active club member for a minimum of a year.


Wellington Monument

Please keep the 20th December free guys.... all hands on deck !!!

Also Rich Caburn is getting info on Facebook and Twitter.... so if anyone understands this social media stuff could you 'like' or 'trend (or whatever it is called!) and pass on to everyone you know!  This is the first year that there has not been a stand alone WM webpage, all now going through the club website... so we need to steer people towards it.  Also in their wisdom they are having the SW XC Champs at Bicton that same day .... so we are going to have to pull out the stops to get our race out there guys!


Some more results to add to the others... sorry I missed them....

Pauline Beer did Cardiff Half.... 1.37.19

Emma Rathbone did Burnham Half... 1.49.05

Bristol to Bath Marathon

Simon Patterson 3.22.18

Stacy Grant 5.00.36

Well done everyone !!


Happy running all !!

Shaz x


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