Taunton AC Juniors
The club accepts junior members aged 8 to 12 years (school years 4 to 7). Sessions are multi-skilled focused, and athletes are coached in developing their athleticism through a range of running, jumping and throwing activities. We operate two sessions a week for junior members to cater for the growing demand. Sessions take place indoors during the winter for school years 3 or 4, and outdoors for the remainder of the year. Interested members should contact the Membership Secretary as we operate a waiting list for these popular sessions.
Please click here for the full weekly training timetable.
Tuesdays – school years 4 & 5 5.30-6.30pm
Tuesdays – school years 6 & 7 (Transition group) 5.30-6.30pm
Thursdays – school years 4 & 5 5.30-6.30pm
Thursdays – school years 6 & 7 (Transition group) 5.30-6.30pm
Event groups and Event Specific Coaching
In line with the recommended Athlete Developing Model, young athletes (years 8 & 9) are encouraged to continue to work across event groups avoiding early specialisation and instead continuing to hone a broad base of athletic skills and athleticism. As athletes mature and develop interests in specific areas they have the opportunity to work with event specialist coaches.
Event specific sessions are on offer in some event groups, but are generally by agreement or invitation with the relevant coach once an athlete has demonstrated they are ready for this, and as such are generally targeted at U15/U17/U20 and senior competitive athletes.
In addition this is also the main evening for the Senior Participation Endurance Squad for 16 years upwards. These sessions are run by Keith Paul and Sharron Kington and attract a wide range of runners interested in taking part in road and multi-terrain events.
Please click here for the full weekly training timetable.
This is the main club training night and is open to all members from school years 8 up to senior members.
Please click here for the full weekly training timetable.
Other sessions
Individual coaches offer extra coaching on an invitation basis, with Strength and Conditioning on Mondays at King's College, and Saturday morning endurance sessions.