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Hi all


Some results……goodness, last weekend was a bit damp wasn’t it ? !


Taunton Deane Aquathlon

Apologies to Hannah Taunton whose result I missed off last email.

First lady in the longer distance which included a 10K run and 40 swim lengths.


Coombe St Nicholas 10K

Lesley Westgate…..  1st V 55 55.37

Richard Westgate …… 2nd V60 59.22


Slay the Dragon

Mark Bysouth  51.42

Suzi Griffiths  1.09.47


Bideford Half

Kate Drew …. 1.22.19 PB

Emma Kiernan….. 1.27.21

Ellie Steer …..1.40.33

Nadine Prouse…. 1.54.39 ( 5 mins off 5 years ago’s time!)

Girls second ladies team !!!

Phil Roberts 1.21.58

Nick Williams ……1.31.02 (first half marathon!)

Scott Weetch …..1.37.38 (course PB)


Membership for 2019

How’s everyone getting on with this, any questions?

I know I am sounding like a broken record, but we will need to keep up to date with your £3 payments on a Tuesday (if doing pay as you go) as there will be a register for me to keep , I know, lucky me ……. !!!


Just also to say a very big thank you to all who contributed to our Chrimbo pressie as we went abroad (!!!!) to the Isle of Wight in the sunshine for the weekend….. yep fitted in a parkrun !!!


Happy running

Shaz x

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