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Some great results below guys…… finally been able to get the racing shoes dusted back off and dug out the snow drifts!
Easter Bunny
OK peeps….. ‘’the wheels on the bus’’ will be leaving the Blackbrook sports centre at 9.15 am on Monday…… looking forward to it.
Those we are meeting there, the warm up will be at 10.30, meet by the door nearest the car park.
Gloucester 20 miler…… the road to London
L to R
Keith Paul, (2.16.11, 1st V50) Kim Hill, (2.23.09 2nd V35) Jon Gilling (2.14.00)
Yeovil Half
Zeke Rawlins 1.43.12
Butleigh 7m MT
Ellie Steer 2nd lady
Suzi Griffiths
Cardiff Bay 10K
James Watson 32.25
Phil Burden 33.25
Happy Running !
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