Many, many congratulations to Hannah Taunton who represented GB at her second Paralympics and finished 5th in the T20 1500m.
This has been a challenging season in many ways for Hannah, and making the start line in Paris was touch and go at times. However Hannah showed remarkable resilience in overcoming the setbacks she faced, and she acquitted herself really well against some incredible opponents, especially the four times consecutive Paralympics winner - Barbara Bieganowska-Zajac!.
Her coach Charlotte Fisher would like to thank everyone who got behind this team effort and supported both Hannah and herself in this journey. In particular. thanks to the very special Taunton AC endurance squad who as well as striving towards their own performance goals, freely gave their help in all manner of ways to both athlete and coach week in week out throughout the year.

Also she would like to acknowledge the expertise, time and effort shown by @thecrescentclinictaunton for physio, massage and nutrition support. Also to Sharon @totalbodypilates09, @activatefitnesstaunton, and @femalecoachingnetwork, for their extra coach support.
And to the team @britishathletics, especially @stepneydan and @dnomiller who have provided support both throughout the year and during the Championships. But well done Hannah - everyone at Taunton AC is really proud of you!